Minimum order value

In principle, a minimum order value of €100 (net value of goods, excluding VAT) applies.

Under €100 (net value of goods, excluding VAT) we charge a surcharge of €25 for packaging and shipping.


Sale only to tradesmen and public institutions.

Our service for you: free delivery within Germany for orders over €100!

Delivery and shipping time

The delivery time is approx. 2-3 working days. There is no delivery on Sundays and public holidays. Should an article exceptionally not in stock or not immediately available and the delivery time and the delivery time is extended accordingly, we will inform you immediately. inform you immediately.

How does shipping work?

Depending on the size of your order, shipping will be carried out by DHL or a forwarding agent. We reserve the right to choose the shipping company.

Terms of payment

Payment by invoice, payable net immediately after receipt of the goods. Furthermore, we also offer you the option of paying by PayPal. In individual cases we reserve the right to demand payment in advance. You will be informed immediately. Sale only to traders.


It is also possible to collect the goods yourself. Please contact us contact us and ask about our collection times.